of innovation

Agrosonic products

We deliver innovative products responding to current and future challenges faced by contemporary agriculture.

We support farmers in providing food

We support farmers in production of high quality food!

The rapidly changing world also has an impact on agriculture. With climate change, increasing consumer awareness, and imposed regulatory restrictions, farmers have to face increasingly greater challenges.

Agrosonic products respond to current and coming challenges in plant production 

They represent an alternative to traditional methods for plant protection and fertilisation. Our range includes microbiological formulations and micronutrient fertilizer for application in agriculture and horticulture. The use of Agrosonic technology helps to supplement deficiencies of micronutrients, reduce the quantity of plant protection products and mineral fertilizer used, and counteract consequences of water stress and adverse weather conditions, leading to healthy and high yields of satisfactory quality parameters.

Promoters of healthy plant growth

Throughout the growing seasons, plants are exposed to numerous adverse biotic and abiotic factors. Unfortunately, the excessive use of plant protection products and mineral fertilizer impacts the environment and the quality of produced food. Bioformulations are a response to challenges faced by contemporary agriculture, as they help to naturally reduce yield losses by supporting healthy plant growth and development.

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Maintain high viability of your plants

A bioformulation containing bacterial strains contributes to rebuilding of normally functioning phytomicrobiome. It contributes to formation of a shielding microbiological film, called the ‘occupied space effect’, thus preventing development of diseases. Additionally, metabolites produced by microorganisms play a role of plant growth stimulators, increasing their assimilating surface and root systems. Trichoderma fungi, colonising root systems of plants, not only compete with pathogens for space and nutrients, but their secreted metabolites have an antagonistic effect on agents causing dangerous diseases, present in the soil.

Create adverse conditions for feeding pests

Bioformulations can also be based on entomopathogenic fungi. Microorganisms contained in them are parasites of pests that cause their death. Unlike insecticides, they do not lead to development of pest resistance, and are safe to beneficial insects.

Soil improvers

In the age of an intense soil use for crops, bioformulations improving soil fertility are extremely useful. Micoorganisms in formulations applied onto a stubble accelerate mineralisation and humification of post-harvest residues, as well as reduce numbers of pathogens over-wintering in the soil, enhance the soil sorption capacity, increase humus content, optimise nutrient uptake, and strengthen resistance to water deficiencies.

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Therefore, soil improvers help to reduce the use of fertilizer. The accelerated process of straw decomposition also contributes to reduced pest and plant disease pressure. Finally, all those processes have an advantageous effect on levels of obtained yield.

Foliar fertilizer

Foliar fertilizer enable precise supplementation of deficiencies in macro- and micronutrients required for normal plant development. Foliar supply of nutrients leads to fast results manifesting as an improvement in the plant condition. Normal development of plants not only directly translates into the yield, but also improves plant resistance to attacks of disease agents and pests.


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Furthermore, another invaluable aspect is an improved tolerance of plants, correctly fed with foliar fertilizer, to biotic and abiotic stresses they can be exposed to at any stage of their growth.

Foliar fertilizer contain easily assimilated forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, boron, zinc, molybdenum, and a range of other micronutrients, effectively stimulate growth of plants, and contribute to the full use of their yield potential.


Optimised fertilisation with biofertilizer is a very effective method for supplying plants with nutrients. Microbiological formulations enable the use of nitrogen from the atmosphere, and thus significantly reduce costs of conventional fertilisation with nitrogen. Bacterial formulations applied into the soil help to unlock those forms of phosphorus and potassium that were previously unavailable to plants.


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Furthermore, bacteria and biologically active metabolites in those products have an advantageous effect on development of biological life in the soil, and this translates to improvements in its structure and fertility.


In addition, the bacteria and biologically active metabolites contained in these products have a beneficial effect on the development of biological life in the soil, resulting in improved soil structure and fertility.

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